Requests for Proposals

Holyrood Supportive Housing

Operator announcement

Homeward Trust sought proposals from non-profit community service agencies to operate and provide onsite programming for a supportive housing project in the Holyrood Community. After a thorough RFP review process, George Spady Society has been selected as the operator.

The Holyrood Supportive Housing program operated by George Spady Society (GSS) will provide 63 residents with a permanent pathway out of homelessness through a combination of Affordable Housing and 24/7 onsite support (for residents only). The Program will have dedicated staffing to support the residents and emphasize an orientation towards recovery while meeting the complex physical health, mental health and recovery needs of its residents. As an experienced operator, GSS has known expertise in this model to support residents who would otherwise struggle to maintain housing. Resident move-in/occupancy is anticipated for early 2025.

Additional details including a Good Neighbour Statement of Operations, community contact and issues resolution process will be shared as they are developed in December and early 2025.

We are grateful to our funders the Government of Canada, the Government of Alberta and the City of Edmonton, for their ongoing commitment to efforts to prevent and end homelessness.

There are no current Requests for Proposals at this time.

Past Request for Proposals

Thank you to all organizations participating in our past Requests for Proposal (RFPs). Below is a list of past proposals through Homeward Trust Edmonton to prevent and end homelessness in Edmonton.

Canora & Garneau Supportive Housing Sites: Balcony Screens

Deadline | February 19, 2025

Homeward Trust invited proposals from Indigenous artists to support the design of balcony screens for the Garneau and Canora Supportive Housing sites.

Interested Indigenous artists were asked to review the attached Request for Proposal document and submit their proposals by 5pm on February 19, 2025.

Request for Proposal (RFP) – Canora & Garneau Supportive Housing Sites

Holyrood Community Supportive Housing Proposal

Deadline | July 5, 2024

Homeward Trust sought proposals from non-profit community service agencies to operate and provide onsite programming for a 63-unit housing project in the Holyrood Community at 9418 83 Street NW, Edmonton, AB.

Supportive Housing was a vital service in the Community Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness, and we invite interested participants to review the proposal package, attend the information session, and engage with Homeward Trust for any initial questions.

Key Details and Deadlines

June 19, 2024 | Mandatory Information Session 

A mandatory information session and virtual tour of the facility will be held at Homeward Trust (10242 105 St NW, Edmonton) on the afternoon of June 19 (time TBA). Please note this session is open to only those non-profit community service agencies interested in submitting a proposal.

June 21, 2024 | Deadline for Proposal Questions

July 05, 2024 | Deadline for Proposals

Q&A – Holyrood RFP.24.001 Responses to Questions Received.

Proposals should be submitted electronically to Homeward Trust Edmonton at

Contact: For session registration and further RFP questions, please contact

See the Request for Proposal Package here.

Supportive Housing Operator

Deadline | May 22, 2023

Homeward Trust invited proposals from non-profit organizations to operate a 98-bed Supportive Housing facility (the former Coliseum Inn). Supportive Housing was a vital service in the Community Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness, and we invite interested participants to review the proposal package, attend the information session and engage with Homeward Trust for any initial questions.

Request for Proposal (RFP) – Homeward Trust Hotel 

Information Session

Homeward Trust Edmonton’s head office hosted an information session on Wednesday, May 10, regarding this RFP.

Questions and Answers from the information session are available HERE.

Additional materials are also available for further context regarding the RFP process. Please reach out to

Request for Audit Services

Deadline | May 3, 2021

Homeward Trust requested proposals from Chartered Public Accountancy firms based in the capital region to provide audit and tax services for our organization from April 1, 2021, to March 31, 2024.

Request for Audit Services – RFP

Q&A – Audit RFP Inquiries

Circle Process Participant Engagement Proposal

Deadline | January 31, 2020

Homeward Trust sought a consultant to plan and facilitate up to three Circle Processes.

The consultant required several responsibilities, including managing the logistics of the Circle Process, such as booking venues, arranging food and beverages, and providing honoraria to participants. Additionally, the consultant was responsible for inviting Housing Supports participants to join the Circle Process and facilitating the process for Indigenous participants, including youth in Housing Supports programs. Furthermore, the consultant oversaw digitally recording, transcribing, and analyzing the Circle Processes, delivering all transcriptions to Homeward Trust electronically, and producing a final report.

Circle Process Participant Engagement – Statement of Work

Alberta 7 Cities 2020 Point-in-Time (PIT) Count Consultant

Deadline | January 13, 2020

The 2020 Alberta 7 Cities Point-in-Time Count was seeking a Consultant. More information is available HERE.

Request for Proposal – 7 Cities 2020 Point-In-Time (PIT) Count Consultant

Participant Experience Surveys 2019/2020

Deadline | November 15, 2019

Homeward Trust sought a consultant to conduct the 2019/20 adult and youth Participant Experience Surveys and provide Homeward Trust with the response data.

Statement of Work – 2019-20 HTE experience survey

Indigenous Youth Initiatives RFPs

Indigenous Youth Housing Support Team

Deadline | December 2018

Homeward Trust was looking to fund an Indigenous Youth Housing Support Team led by an Indigenous organization and serving a majority Indigenous youth population. The project will be financed for 18 months. Questions and completed proposals can be submitted to


Indigenous Youth Innovative Practices Fund

Deadline | December 2018

Homeward Trust was looking to fund Indigenous-led innovation projects to address the prevention, diversion, and housing needs of Indigenous youth at risk of or currently experiencing homelessness. Project budgets can be between $25,000 and $200,000 and operate for up to two years. Questions and completed proposals can be submitted to

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We recognize we are gathered, in collaboration and with joint purpose, on Treaty 6 territory. This territory is the traditional home and gathering place for diverse Indigenous peoples. The nêhiyaw (Cree), Niitsitapi (Blackfoot), Dene, Haudenosaunee (Iroquois), Anishinaabe (Saulteaux/Ojibwe), Nakota Isga (Nakota Sioux), Inuit, and Métis, among many others cared for this land since time immemorial and continue to steward it today. As visitors in this territory, we honour the importance of the Treaty and our responsibility to these communities. Only in partnership can we create the changes necessary to end homelessness. It is vital we meaningfully engage and partner with Indigenous people and communities in this work while recognizing and addressing the conditions brought forth by colonialism. Displacement from traditional homelands, systemic racism, residential schools, the Sixties Scoop, and the ongoing overrepresentation of Indigenous people in child welfare, correctional systems, and homelessness are responsibilities we all share.