A big “THANK-YOU” for helping support our four-legged friends

Services are being provided at the Edmonton EXPO Centre for Edmontonians experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic, including pet friendly space and pet supplies. For more information on the supports and services available visit our COVID-19 Resources page.

Pets can be an incredible source of emotional support, and this is certainly true for our community members that are without a place to call home. When COVID-19 impacted our community so profoundly, the good people at VCA Canada Riverbend Veterinary Hospital recognized that some very specific support was needed, and they stepped up to provide what help they could. 

“Homeward Trust does an exceptional job of caring for Edmontonians and we are always proud to support them. After the cancellation of Homeless Connect, we anticipated that our community partners may need supplies for their pet parents and we wanted to help.”

For those experiencing homelessness there is no shortage of stress and worry, and if they also have pets to care for that stress is further compounded. A big part of what the semi-annual Homeless Connect events provide is some relief of that stress while people begin to engage with needed supports, services and ultimately begin the process to move out of homelessness. VCA Canada Riverbend Veterinary Hospital regularly donates pet supplies to these events, but because of the restrictions necessitated by COVID-19 the spring event had to be cancelled. When they were made aware of the services and shelter being provided at the Edmonton Expo Centre, they reached out to Nestlé Purina PetCare who then provided an entire pallet of pet food and supplies.

“As a proud member of the Edmonton area community, we are happy to help support its citizens and their pets during this challenging time. As pet people, we know that pets and people are better together, and that’s never been truer than during times of crisis,” says Fiona Provan of Nestlé Purina PetCare.

On behalf of everyone delivering and receiving support at the Edmonton Expo Centre during this public health crisis, we want to extend our sincerest thank-you to both of these community-minded organizations for their generosity and thoughtfulness. 

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We recognize we are gathered, in collaboration and with joint purpose, on Treaty 6 territory. This territory is the home and gathering place for diverse Indigenous peoples. The Cree, Blackfoot, Dene, Iroquois, Anishinaabe/Saulteaux /Ojibwa, Nakota Sioux, Inuit, and Métis, among many others. We know the importance of the Treaty and our responsibility to these communities and that only in partnership can we create the social change necessary to end homelessness. It is vital we meaningfully engage and partner with Indigenous people and communities in this work while recognizing and addressing the conditions brought forth by colonialism. Displacement from traditional homelands, systemic racism, residential schools, the Sixties Scoop, and the ongoing overrepresentation of Indigenous people in child welfare, correctional systems, and homelessness are responsibilities we all share. We acknowledge ourselves as visitors living and working in this Territory.